Cassie and The Wild Cat: Bug in the Rug

Book Description
Publication Date: February 18, 2013
Cassie and The Wild Cat are back and on the bug hunting attack. It seems their home has been invaded by a pest who thinks he is better than the rest.

Can Cassie and The Wild Cat form a team? Or is such a thing nothing but a dream? Join The Wild Cat and Cass as another fun adventure comes to pass. Simply add another book from Pat Hatt to your rug to find out if they can beat the bug.

  What an adorable story, it's not too long, it's not too short, it's poetic and lovely.  My children love the Cassie and The Wild Cat: Bug in the Rug.  They found it to be funny and enjoyable as we read through the pages at failed attempts to rid the house of the bug.  But in the end friendship prevails and all is well.
  The story, which is in the form of a poem, takes place over 31 pages; not too long.  The words are simple for even my youngest two to understand.  We really enjoyed reading this story and it is likely to become a bedtime story as it's just the right length to have after brushing our teeth at night.
  If you're looking for a really cut story in the form of poetry to read to your children I would suggest getting this one, it is a very cute tale.  Cassie and the Wild Cat: Bug in the Rug

~~Silkki's Reviews did NOT receive this book for this review.  But I thought that it would be enjoyable for my readers so I wanted to share this with you~~


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for the adorable book that my kids thoroughly enjoy, trust me, it's hard to get them to sit still sometimes. I'm quite impressed they enjoyed it so much. I look forward to reading more of your stuff to them.
