Brace yourself for awesome action and legendary laughs in this fun-filled animated TV series based on the Academy Award®-Nominated hit movie Kung Fu Panda! As the chosen Dragon Warrior and sworn protector of the Valley of Peace, Po the panda is highly skilled, ever vigilant and hungry for justice...and dumplings. Together with the Furious Five—Tigress, Monkey, Mantis, Crane and Viper—Po must fend off fierce villains, including an evil version of himself (courtesy of the Mystical Mirror of Yin and Yang) and the toothy Croc Bandits!
More than two hours of adventure including:
● Good Croc Bad Croc
● The Princess and the Po
● Chain Reaction
● Bad Po
● Jailhouse Panda
● Father Crime
● Po Fans Out
Croc Crackdown Game:
The adventure continues with the interactive online game, “Croc Crackdown!” Fans will play as Po in this fast-paced and addictive arcade-style game in order to protect the Noodle Shop from the evil crocs. Each DVD set comes with a unique code allowing fans to join the action, unlock power-ups and find exclusive downloads. Do you have what it takes to be the Dragon Warrior?
I really liked this show. Although I was expecting a movie (not sure why) but my children quickly let me know that it was a compilation of shows and not one long movie. We have always been fans of Kung Fu Panda, I mean seriously, who doesn't love the underdog. I know I have always enjoyed watching shows that teach my children that just because you're not "ideal", "perfect", or what's expected doesn't mean you can't strive for greatness and achieve it!! I love Kung Fu Panda, I really like these shows and the lessons that can be learned from watching them. You should give second chances but keep watch for the snakes out there who are just in for their own benefit. I really think anyone could learn something from this TV series. Po is a great Dragon Warrior even though I shake my head at him often!!
I give this 5 out of 8 thumbs up!!
~~I received the movie mentioned above for free for my written review of my honest opinion. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers~~
I really liked this show. Although I was expecting a movie (not sure why) but my children quickly let me know that it was a compilation of shows and not one long movie. We have always been fans of Kung Fu Panda, I mean seriously, who doesn't love the underdog. I know I have always enjoyed watching shows that teach my children that just because you're not "ideal", "perfect", or what's expected doesn't mean you can't strive for greatness and achieve it!! I love Kung Fu Panda, I really like these shows and the lessons that can be learned from watching them. You should give second chances but keep watch for the snakes out there who are just in for their own benefit. I really think anyone could learn something from this TV series. Po is a great Dragon Warrior even though I shake my head at him often!!
I give this 5 out of 8 thumbs up!!
~~I received the movie mentioned above for free for my written review of my honest opinion. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers~~
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