
Twentieth Century Fox’s first-ever animated film, created by renowned director Ralph Bakshi, WIZARDS appears in a 35th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray + Book release on March 13 from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.  Celebrating its 35th anniversary, the “epic fantasy of peace and magic” stars the voice talent of Mark Hamill (Star Wars Saga).  The special edition Blu-ray + Book release is a must-have for fans and collectors, featuring 24-pages of amazing artwork from the film, some of the artwork never-before-seen, and a special message from Bakshi!

Set on a post-apocalyptic Earth, this fantasy adventure follows the story of Avatar, the kindly, eccentric sorcerer-ruler of Montagar, a rainbow paradise inhabited by elves and fairies.  Avatar's evil brother, Blackwolf, dominates Scortch, a bleak land of goblins and wraiths.  When the power-hungry Blackwolf attacks Montagar, Avatar, accompanied only by a spirited young woman and a courageous elf, must enter the darkness of Scortch to save his world.

I didn't like this at all, maybe it's just me, I'm sure there are tons of people out there who do like it, somewhere!  I couldn't get into it, I didn't understand it, and I just plain didn't like it.  It looked like a very old cartoon, not something that would have been made today and definitely not something I expected on Blu Ray. The characters did nothing for my taste in cartoons, and the story was very, different.

I don't have anything else to say about this unfortunately, maybe some of you will watch it and enjoy it and if you do please feel free to leave your comments here for other readers to get some other points of view.  I do not think this would be a child appropriate cartoon at all so please do not purchase it with children in mind.  If you like weird sort of "out there" movies, you may very well like this.  My family unfortunately was not in favor of this.

I give it 0 out of 4 thumbs up!

  ~~I received the movie mentioned above for free for a written review of my honest opinion. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers~~

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