Transported to a magical world, a teenager (Amanda Seyfried) is recruited by a nature spirit, Queen Tara (BeyoncĂ© Knowles), to help the “Leafmen” save their existence – and ours – from evil warriors. The whole family will love this fast-paced thrill-ride, with its astonishing animation and all-star voice cast that includes Colin Farrell, Oscar® Winner Christoph Waltz, and Steven Tyler!
Every Blu-ray and DVD comes with the Epic Coloring and Storybook Builder app. The app will allow kids to create their own Epic story and share it with family and friends.
The EPIC Blu-ray combo-pack includes Blu-ray, DVD and DigitalHD and comes complete with exclusives that will have kids both engaged and learning about the environment, just before heading back to school. With special features including an overview of what life as a person two inches tall would be like, to discovering all of the different bugs from the film, EPIC is the perfect gift for families to enjoy from summer to the holidays!
EPIC 2- disc Blu-ray Combo Pack - BD/Ultraviolet/DVD & DC
● Mub & Grub Intro - Join Mub and Grub for an EPIC tour through the special features of this Blu-ray!
● Birds, Bugs and Slugs: Forest Explorer - Journey into the forest to meet the real-life counterparts of the EPIC world!
● Rot Rocks - Mandrake might be the bad guy, but his world of rot benefits ours in a number of ways, let’s discover how!
● Bugs of Camouflage - Join us to find out how bugs use their environment to hide right under our noses, just like the Leafmen!
● The Epic Life At Two Inches Tall - How would your life be different if you were only two inches tall? Aside from being small, there are some surprising and amazing benefits!
● Mysteries of Moonhaven Revealed - Meet the incredibly talented filmmakers, artists, and animators at Blue Sky, and learn all about the making of EPIC!
○ The World
○ The Leafmen
○ Queen Tara
○ Mub & Grub
○ Nim Galuu
○ The Stompers
○ Finding Moonhaven
● Epic Coloring & Storybook Builder App – Color your own EPIC story with exclusive pages on your iOS or Android devices. Then become the story teller by recording your own voice and share on your television with family and friends
● Theatrical Trailer
● Mub & Grub Intro - Join Mub and Grub for an EPIC tour through the special features of this Blu-ray!
● Rot Rocks - Mandrake might be the bad guy, but his world of rot benefits ours in a number of ways, let’s discover how!
● Bugs of Camouflage - Join us to find out how bugs use their environment to hide right under our noses, just like the Leafmen!
● Epic Coloring & Storybook Builder App – Color your own EPIC story with exclusive pages on your iOS or Android devices. Then become the story teller by recording your own voice and share on your device with family and friends
● Theatrical Trailer
EPIC 3-Disc Deluxe Edition BD3D /BD/Ultraviolet/DVD & DC
Includes feature film on Blu-ray 3D and all of the features of the Blu-ray combo pack.
In addition, inside every Deluxe Edition Blu-ray, families will find 3 Epic Seed cards—so you can grow your own Epic Garden!
Oh my goodness, AWESOME MOVIE!! My children and I watched this in the morning today and then my daughter (the only one who doesn't go to school) and I watched it again in the afternoon. What a fantastic movie it is. I loved so many things about this movie. It was very well done. My kids have watched it numerous times in the past couple of days but I never got the chance to sit down and watch with them but I had picked up things each time I entered the room, must have been getting a drink, or popcorn, or treat, or, or, or. After the older ones went to school today I got to sit down with my little B and we watched it. I was entranced with this movie. I just found myself starring at the TV trying to take it all in. It's so magical. I know that my family will watch this movie again, and again, likely another time after I think it's warn off. But I don't think I will get tired of the kids watching it. It's so awesome. It made my children use their imagination. "What if?", yes, I agree, what if it was possible, what if there were little people in the woods flying by on hummingbirds, what if we could only see the beauty of nature if we took the time to appreciate the little things... hmm... Yes, what if that was possible?!
I truly believe that if you have young children, even young teens, they will appreciate this movie. I would really suggest going out and getting a copy of this movie for the children in your life. They need to enjoy nature in an "Epic" way!!
We give this movie 12 out of 12 thumbs up!! That's right, everyone loved it!!
~~I received the movie mentioned above for free for my written review of my honest opinion. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers~~
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